1. Teleoperation
1. 1. Keyborad
TIP: Terminal can be found with the Ubuntu search icon on the top left corner of the screen. Shortcut key for Terminal is Ctrl+Alt+t. |
Open the terminal and Run controller
$ ros2 launch open_manipulator_x_controller open_manipulator_x_controller.launch.py
Open another terminal and Run below:
Launch open_manipulator_x_teleop_keyboard node for simple teleoperation test using the keyboard.
If the node is successfully launched, the following instruction will appear in the terminal window.
$ ros2 run open_manipulator_x_teleop open_manipulator_x_teleop_keyboard
Control Your OpenManipulator!
w : increase x axis in task space
s : decrease x axis in task space
a : increase y axis in task space
d : decrease y axis in task space
z : increase z axis in task space
x : decrease z axis in task space
y : increase joint 1 angle
h : decrease joint 1 angle
u : increase joint 2 angle
j : decrease joint 2 angle
i : increase joint 3 angle
k : decrease joint 3 angle
o : increase joint 4 angle
l : decrease joint 4 angle
g : gripper open
f : gripper close
1 : init pose
2 : home pose
q to quit
Present Joint Angle J1: 0.060 J2: -0.854 J3: 0.158 J4: 0.804
Present Kinematics Position X: 0.151 Y: 0.008 Z: 0.245
ROBOTIS e-Manual