ROBOTIS e-Manual
1. OpenCR Setup
- Connect the OpenCR to the Rasbperry Pi using the micro USB cable.
- Install required packages on the Raspberry Pi to upload the OpenCR firmware.
$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install libc6:armhf
- Depending on the platform, use either burger or waffle for the OPENCR_MODEL name.
$ export OPENCR_PORT=/dev/ttyACM0 $ export OPENCR_MODEL=waffle $ rm -rf ./opencr_update.tar.bz2
- Download the firmware and loader, then extract the file.
$ wget https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/OpenCR-Binaries/raw/master/turtlebot3/ROS2/latest/opencr_update.tar.bz2 $ tar -xjf ./opencr_update.tar.bz2
- Upload firmware to the OpenCR.
$ cd ./opencr_update $ ./update.sh $OPENCR_PORT $OPENCR_MODEL.opencr
- A successful firmware upload for TurtleBot3 Burger will look like below.
aarch64 arm OpenCR Update Start.. opencr_ld_shell ver 1.0.0 opencr_ld_main [ ] file name : waffle.opencr [ ] file size : 127 KB [ ] fw_name : waffle [ ] fw_ver : V190829R3 [OK] Open port : /dev/ttyACM0 [ ] [ ] Board Name : OpenCR R1.0 [ ] Board Ver : 0x17020800 [ ] Board Rev : 0x00000000 [OK] flash_erase : 0.92s [OK] flash_write : 1.61s [OK] CRC Check : CBA804 CBA804 , 0.005000 sec [OK] Download [OK] jump_to_fw
- If firmware upload fails, try uploading with the recovery mode. Below sequence activates the recovery mode of OpenCR. Under the recovery mode, the STATUS led of OpenCR will blink periodically.
- Hold down the PUSH SW2 button.
- Press the Reset button.
- Release the Reset button.
- Release the PUSH SW2 button.
2. OpenCR Test
NOTE: If the wheels do not move while performing OpenCR Test instruction, make sure to see “Setup DYNAMIXELs for TurtleBot3” section to update the DYNAMIXEL’s configuration for use of TurtleBot3. |
You can use PUSH SW 1 and PUSH SW 2 buttons to see whether your robot has been properly assembled. This process tests the left and right DYNAMIXEL’s and the OpenCR board.
- After assembling TurtleBot3, connect the power to OpenCR and turn on the power switch of OpenCR. The red Power LED will be turned on.
- Place the robot on the flat ground in a wide open area. For the test, safety radius of 1 meter (40 inches) is recommended.
- Press and hold PUSH SW 1 for a few seconds to command the robot to move 30 centimeters (about 12 inches) forward.
- Press and hold PUSH SW 2 for a few seconds to command the robot to rotate 180 degrees in place.