jstar0525 2022. 9. 21. 10:14

2. Learning tf

C++ Python

  1. Writing a tf broadcaster (C++)This tutorial teaches you how to broadcast coordinate frames of a robot to tf.
  2. Writing a tf listener (C++)This tutorial teaches you how to use tf to get access to frame transformations.
  3. Adding a frame (C++)This tutorial teaches you how to add an extra fixed frame to tf.
  4. Learning about tf and time (C++)This tutorial teaches you to use the waitForTransform function to wait for a transform to be available on the tf tree.
  5. Time travel with tf (C++)This tutorial teaches you about advanced time travel features of tf

  1. Writing a tf broadcaster (Python)This tutorial teaches you how to broadcast the state of a robot to tf.
  2. Writing a tf listener (Python)This tutorial teaches you how to use tf to get access to frame transformations.
  3. Adding a frame (Python)This tutorial teaches you how to add an extra fixed frame to tf.
  4. Learning about tf and time (Python)This tutorial teaches you to use the waitForTransform function to wait for a transform to be available on the tf tree.
  5. Time travel with tf (Python)This tutorial teaches you about advanced time travel features of tf

Now that you have completed these tutorials please take the time to complete this short questionnaire.

3. Debugging tf

  1. Debugging tf problems

4. Using sensor messages with tf

  1. Using Stamped datatypes with tf::MessageFilterThis tutorial describes how to use tf::MessageFIlter to process Stamped datatypes.


5. Setting up your robot with tf

  1. Setting up your robot using tfThis tutorial provides a guide to set up your robot to start using tf.
  2. Using the robot state publisher on your own robotThis tutorial explains how you can publish the state of your robot to tf, using the robot state publisher.
  3. Using urdf with robot_state_publisherThis tutorial gives a full example of a robot model with URDF that uses robot_state_publisher. First, we create the URDF model with all the necessary parts. Then we write a node which publishes the JointState and transforms. Finally, we run all the parts together.


6. Video Tutorial (PR2 Beta Workshop)






